Thursday, October 04, 2007

Harper - press conference Oct 3, 2007

When Harper was asked a question about Shawn Graham and the self-sufficiency agenda, he said that he has to look after 9 other "kids" too.


  1. See, now this one I kinda like! Especially the Campbell reference. Perhaps you are not a moron, but simply misguided.

  2. Look Jim I do this stuff for fun. I do disagree with many policies of Mr. Harper and I make fun of him for that reason. He and Bush provide me lot of material.

    Yes I am anti-war and you cannot win hearts and minds of people with guns. I think Harper and cronies are misguided there.

    Afghan war is not to put down the terrorists. It is more for strategic reasons given Afghanistan's location - it is more for U.S and remnants of cold-war. However there are better ways than war -diplomacy.

  3. You do know that the Liberals put us in Afghanistan without so much as a debate in the House, right? In green uniforms I might add.

    You are also aware of course, that it was the Liberals who chose the Khandahar region and ramped our involvement up to a combat role?

    As well, you are aware that the mission in A-stan is a NATO mission and that we are members, right?

    Harper lifted the veil of the mission in A-stan and showed it for what it was, not some peacekeeping mission, but pretty much an all-out conflict.

    Certainly though, any blame for our current situation and combat role fall squarely on the Liberal party.

    And as for comedy material, Harper may provide some, but poor old Dion has him beat by a mile. In fact he is a one man running joke.

  4. Jim, we elect new governments for change. What Liberals did or did not do ended in January 2006. Whatever happened after that is Harper's responsibility.

    No one ever has been able to subjugate Afghanistan - British in the past, Russians and now us. It is a dead loss at the get-go. Therefore there is no need to kill and get killed. Let the Afghans sort out their own problems.

    Talibans are demonized to justify the invasion. Talibans are not any better or worse than Saudi Arabian regime. Those are excuses and war propaganda to occupy Afghanistan for strategic reasons.

  5. utterly simplistic your view of the situation is.

    Funny how you say what the Libs did or did not do ended Jan 2006, yet you and your lefty ilk are more than ready to try and take credit for Canada's current ecenomic situation. I would not expect any thing but hypocracy from the left so this is no surprise.

    And last time I checked, Canada was not rying to subjugate Afghanistan, not by my definition of the word.

    Sorry, I have to go back to my original are a moron. You should stick to the little pictures, because when you share your opinions, you confirm my assumtions.

  6. So Jim, Canada is making love to Afghanistan. You are the one who is showing utter ignorance.

    I travelled the Globe quite a bit and learned about geo-political situation of the world in that manner. Where do you get your information from - Harper's campaign book?

    You mentioned NATO. How come we are the only country, other than U.S, who are in the thick of it. None others are. Why? Because Harper is a patsy to Bush.

    You seem to lose temper often and start calling names. That does show that you are a loser.

    People have not forgotten that Harper is a Reformer, turned Alliance turned Conservative. You can take Reformer out of party’s name but you cannot take Reformer out of Harper. There is something true about his hidden agenda. Look what a mess he has made of environment issues.

    Sorry man, you and your leader are losers big time.

  7. Ha ha...I have not lost my temper and I have only called you one name...moron...which is no worse than calling me a loser.

    Anyway, each time you make a comment, you only help to clarify your ignorance of a given situation.

    Last time I checked the British and the Dutch were in the "thick of it" too. But I guess that doesn't matter to you because calling Mr Harper a patsy to Jan Peter Balkenende or Gordon Brown just doesn't have the same effect.

    You make me laugh...look at the mess he has made of environmental issues...What a joke you are. The Libs and your man Dion in particular did NOTHING on the enviro file for 13 years, yet you point the finger at Mr Harper like all the problems are his doing!?! No wonder the left is becoming so irrelevant, most of you can't see the forest for the trees, you just point fingers and refuse to shoulder any responsibilty or burden. Not surprising though, considering the left is well known for telling others what to do, but doing none of it themselves.

    And as for Mr Harper's reformist roots and leanings, well, I am A.OK with that.

    Move over lefty, the big boys are driving the country now, and doing a damn good job, BTW.

  8. If British and the Dutch are there too in the thick of it then how come we are taking all the causalities. Moreover, why Harper and his foreign minister are begging all over the place for more support from the NATO nations. Both of them did this begging at the United Nations and at various other occasions.

    As far as big boys drive the county is concerned - yes they are driving it right in the ocean into the North Pole where ice is melting because of Global warming.

  9. Man, you have a gift for you research anything before you open your yap? Granted, I will give you the point that other countries could and should be doing more.

    Some figures for you...

    Military Fatalities By Country:
    Country Total
    Australia 1
    Canada 71
    Czech 1
    Denmark 6
    Estonia 2
    Finland 1
    France 12
    Germany 25
    Italy 10
    Netherlands 11
    Norway 2
    Poland 1
    Portugal 1
    Romania 5
    South Korea 1
    Spain 23
    Sweden 2
    UK 82
    US 448
    Total 705

    And I love your last comment. Is that supposed to imply that global warming is the fault of the Conservatives?

    You are quite a prize...moron.

  10. Jim, you love to name calling - ignorant,’ stupidity' moron etc. So you must be looking in the mirror.

    U.S has more fatalities because it is Bush's war. UK has been there from the beginning and that is why more fatalities. But as of lately it has been Canada - since 2006.

    Harper refuses to take definite action on environment. Besides being in Bush's lap he is in the lap of oil companies and big business. He is a loser and only losers can support losers.

    You sure are not endearing him through your diatribe.

  11. Na na na na-naaaaa, I know you are but what am I?

    Grammar is not one of your strengths, is it? Seriously, trying to endear Mr Harper to you would be a lost cause. You have obviously benn imbibing the Kool-aid for too long.

    I really should stop picking on you for awhile. It is starting to feel like I am beating up on someone that is mentally challenged.

    And as for being in the pocket of big business, why do you think the Liberals are so broke? Papa Jean took away the corporate teat from Paulie and now the Libranos can't steal from the taxpayers, so they are broke.

    You really don't know much about politics do you? I wouldn't mind so much if your little animations were better.

  12. Jim, I personally have nothing against Mr.Harper. I just do not like his policies. But with supporters like you I feel sorry for him. I really do.

    You are rude and obnoxious and that will not help Mr. Harper. With supporters like you he does not need enemies.

    You’re too retarded to understand the faults of your ways. Grow up.

  13. I swear, you should consider a career in comedy. You have me in stitches!

    I don't personally agree with every Conservative policy that is put forward, but I am smart enough to know that Mr Harper is the right man for the job, especially at this point in history.

    Do you know why the dollar was devalued for so long? One main reason is that the Libs kept it that way to please big business. Sure it was an expensive proposition for the average Canadian, but who cares, big business was raking in the profits. As well, Mr Harper went against his promise not to tax income trusts (which even the Libs agreed was the right thing to do), do you know why he did this? It was because big business saw a loophole they could exploit and major players like Telus, Bell and GM stood to take 60-80 billion out of the tax base, so the government decided to tax them. Does that sound like someone who is in the pocket of big business?

    If I am rude and obnoxious, it is because I have had to listen to mindless, partisan, uninformed prattle from tools like you for so long. By and large, rudeness and obnoxiousness is a lefty staple...kinda stings being on the receiving end, huh?

    Do you know why the Conservatives are rolling in money? It is because of supporters like me that donate our hard earned money because of a man and an ideal that we believe in. When was the last time you donated anything but a stupid animation to your side of the fight?

    As for being too retarded to see the faults of my ways and needing to grow up, well, who is calling names now? Why so angry LeDaro? Could it be your inability to have reasoned debate when faced with facts?

    Educate youself to both sides of the issues, then come back and see me when you have grown up...or at least grown an intellect for legitimate debate. I doubt that will happen though, it is so much easier to make little lefty animations (that suck!).


  14. Jimmy, I am glad you signed your comment as a "Moron". So that is your new ID.

    Up to now I took you seriously. That was my mistake. You lack education and hence manners. Your nonsense does not make any sense and hence does not deserve response.

    Go back to your mechanic's job and play with auto parts because politics and dealing with others is not your cup of tea. May be go back to school and learn some manners.

  15. Actually, that was an after though, not a signature...but whatever floats you boat.

    I lack education? How would you know? True I do not have a degree in some useless field like most of you elitist Libtards. True I work with my hands and actually produce something tangible, unlike the rhetoric and stupid pictures you produce.

    As to going back to school, I don't think so, I like it here just fine. So get used to seeing me around.

    Did I mention today that you are a moron?

  16. Too many pollutants in your head. Get help fartig old man.

    If you continue this I may have to block you.

  17. Muwahahahaha...I'm getting to you, huh?

    Dude, why would you want to block me? I am your biggest fan! Plus I make your lame blog interesting. It is kinda sad that I have to unveil your shortcommings to do it, but oh well.

    Block away if you like, there are always proxies!

    Hee hee...I like this place.
