Saturday, October 20, 2007

Afghanistan Survey - very scientific with alot of technical support ;)


  1. hmmm isn't freedom of speech a wonderful thing!!!
    Like the way Chretien suggested in his book, it was Martin with blood on his hands, sending our troops into the killing fields.

  2. when one feels inferior, blame chretien....hey wilson?
    as for ur blog. well put, as I said in mine, how in god"s name did western looking canadian pollsters get around in that country, ask at the point of a gun, and get the answer you want......

  3. As I posted on liberal 4evr,

    There was an article yesterday in I believe the Toronto Star or the Globe that explained in detail how the poll was done, it was done through a local Afghan NGO, it was done door-to-door, with no armed guards, with women interviewing women and men interviewing men. Moreover, have any of you talked to aid workers who've actually been to Afghanistan? For the record, I'm a Liberal, I'm the campaign manager for a Red Cross worke who will be running for the Liberals, most of our friends and volunteers are NGO people some of which have worked in Aghanistan, and we even have some Afghan refugees with us, and they all say the sentiment from the poll is "about right".

  4. Wilson, I heard Joe Clark and Harper are great buddies ;) It is human nature and personal animosities do exist.

    As far as survey is concerned I agree with Liberal4ever. How can a survey be objective of an occupied nation? Common sense tells that and it does not matter if a Conservative, Liberal or NDP says that it was objective.

  5. This bullshit you all bullshit!! Afghanistan rocks!! We ain't need no crappy canidian troops
