Thursday, September 06, 2007

Meet Mr. Chinocchio - Brian Mulroney

Whether you love or hate Pierre Trudeau, he is no longer in this World. If Brian Mulroney had nothing good to say about him, then it would have been better that he said nothing at all rather than badmouth Mr. Trudeau. I personally have nothing against Brian Mulroney but I thought his comments about Trudeau were inappropriate. I agree with Stephane Dion when he said that Trudeau cannot defend himself, thus it's wrong for Mulroney to make such statements.
Also, I believe that Trudeau was one of the greatest Prime Ministers we’ve ever had. He was very strong on human rights issues, he had international stature and he gave Canada visibility and recognition on an international level.

I think we should celebrate Pierre Trudeau's achievements as a Great Canadian Prime Minister.


  1. Trudeau was a man I respected, and cannot defend himself, now. I think that Mulroney overstepped his bounds, and is as crass, now as he always was.
    Amazing, what short memories the Cons now have, compared to when they could not stand Mulroney..quite a chin....should have the nose to go with it!

  2. Lizt,
    Trudeau’s achievements include repatriation of constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms. That is part of his strong legacy.

    Mulroney would have done well if Meech Lake Accord would have gone through. His "rolling the dice" statement angered many Premiers at the time including the Premier of Newfoundland Clyde Wells. Because of missteps Meech Lake got derailed. Trudeau was opposed to Meech Lake too and Mulroney blames it all on him now. Mulroney is bitter and concerned about his legacy. The most recent visceral attacks on Trudeau did not help him. Too bad.
