Monday, September 10, 2007

Kyla Ebbert, eat your heart out ;)

Stephen Harper is mad at Elections Canada.


  1. Why is Harper mad at Elections Canada...trying to make us look bad in Australia, no matter what the subject? He was told by the Chief Electoral Officer to change this (about veils) in June or July. It is not his fault, but Harper's, in the long run. It should have ended up in the bill C-31 but did not.

  2. Lizt, he felt comfortable to fight his political enemies backhome when he is with his friend Howie. Howie is a biggot too.
    They are making too much of the whole thing. I watched news and Muslim women do not object to be identified. This seems more like evening the scores between Elections Canada and the Prime Minister.

    By the way Harper leveled numerous attacks on the Oppositon from Australia including Afghanistan situation and environment fiasco his government has created.
