Sunday, September 09, 2007

George W. Bush says that Osam Bin Laden's video is threatening

If only he would have concentrated on one war at a time and not invaded Iraq... I suppose the oil lobby must be very strong in the U.S. Apparantely oil takes precedence over national security.


  1. I don not think that Osama is as bad as they say. and the new video, I don't think is him. I always thought he was kind of cute!

  2. Lizt, I did this picture for numerous reasons.
    Firstly if Osama Bin Laden is responsible for 9/11, as Bush administration alleges he is, then go after him. Why hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi women and children are being killed for that. Saddam Hussein had no use for Al-Quida. He actually felt threatened by Al-Quida as or other dictatorial Arab states such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Invasion of Iraq was not justified and it is the worst human tragedy in recent history perpetrated by George W. Bush. Now there may be Al-Quida in Iraq but Bush’s own military officials admit that Al-Quida is not the threat in Iraq. It is the local Iraqi people who have lost everything through this atrocious war.

    Secondly if Osama Bin Laden is responsible for 9/11 then why tens of thousands of innocent women and children are being killed in Afghanistan. All this does not make sense. Unless there are other U.S strategic objectives such oil in Iraq and natural gas corridor in Afghanistan.

    Finally I wanted to test how important Osama Bin Laden is to rest of the public and how many hits I will get. Nil. So his importance is only in Bush’s head and his administration. How can a homeless person who probably lives in a cave be such a threat? On the other hand I got lots and lots of hits for Kyla Ebbert and Paris Hilton. People rather look at these two than Osama Bin Laden and I have to admit me too :)
