Wednesday, September 12, 2007

General David Petraeus (or as some of his countrymen call him, General Betray-Us) assures Americans that things are under control in Iraq


  1. “Petraeus ex machina”: Propaganda Works, that's why it costs so much: General Petraeus' Iraq Report Sept. 2007

    you may not know this, thanks to MSM it is under-reported... but, protesters removed from the report hearing...

    including Code Pink, retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern (remember the dude who stood up to Rumsfeld?), & Veterans Against the Iraq War...

    looks like Bush found is backbone... ?
    "we can't HOLD roads from IEDs, but we can hold the Congress" protected from TRUTH...

    BlueBerry Pick'n
    can be found @
    "Silent Freedom is Freedom Silenced"

  2. BlueBerry Pick'n, thank you for your comment. My friend I agree with you 100%. What you described is the sad reality.

    Love your quote/slogan.

    "Silent Freedom is Freedom Silenced"
