Thursday, September 27, 2007

Afghanistan: "They love us!" - Harper ;)


  1. One canot win a war by killing religeous leaders or going into houses and scaring the shit out of the population, if the occupier are more scarier than the insurgent, then we lost, and since we are seen as a puppet of america thanks to the harpie, well it is time to leave. Death to Canada suggest they dont want us there no longer, therefore we are occupiers, not a good propect for our country. Those who promote us staying there are therefore unpatriotic, Canada does not occupy, it builds and shows that there is another way, in this senario, we are now, what Italy was to Germany in the 40's, a satelite?, a lap dog? We have gotten the americans out of a shit hole so many times in history, it is pathetic, ww1, ww2, korea, we were not in vietnam an we all saw where that went...I beleive to be patiotic is to support bringing home to troops.

  2. Liberal 4evr, thank you for your comment. I totally agree with you. We have no business in Afghanistan killing innocent people and getting killed. This is a disgraceful policy by Harper and indeed he is a lapdog to Bush.

    The only patriotic thing to do for us is support our troops and save their lives. We must withdraw immediately and not wait until February of 2009.

    I am so glad that Jean Chretien did not side with Bush on his illegal invasion of Iraq. Give majority to Harper and he will do it too and go into Iraq.

  3. Good grief, this is intelligent commentary.

    Does it matter that this is a UN-backed, NATO-sponsored mission to you people?

    Do you have anything insightful to say besides the lame old Bush lapdog commentary?

  4. ALW, thank you for your comment.

    I do not know much about NATO but surely U.N. did not authorize killing and maiming of children, women and other innocent civilians. UN did not authorize capturing Afghanis and hand them over to puppet government agents so that they can torture and kill them. It is a disaster and giving black eye to Canada.
