Saturday, August 18, 2007

God Ordered Bush to Invade Iraq ;)

I saw this funny story on the internet and I thought instead of posting my picture, that I'd post the following picture with the story.

Also, seriously, there are stories by news outlets such as the BBC where Bush said it was God's orders that he invaded Iraq and Afghanistan.

President Bush sits at his desk in the Oval Office, where he received messages from an intercom voice identifying itself as "God" and thought to have been Vice President Cheney (above).
Voice Of God Revealed To Be Cheney On Intercom

WASHINGTON, DC—Telephone logs recorded by the National Security Agency and obtained by Congress as part of an ongoing investigation suggest that the vice president may have used the Oval Office intercom system to address President Bush at crucial moments, giving categorical directives in a voice the president believed to be that of God. Click here to read more at The Onion.


  1. Just wanted to know how factual the paper the Onion is.

  2. Lizt, I believe it is a satire. If Cheney would have actually doen something like this it would been non-stop news in the general media.

    However, I do believe that Bush said that he used God's guidance to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

  3. Did not the US Congress vote overwhelmingly to invade Iraq????
    Are you having a "Revisionist Lieberal History" moment???

  4. Remember . . . back in 1998 . . . when it was said "Iraq is an immenent threat" . . . . do you also remember who said those words?

    No . . . well it was Madeline Albright, Secretary of State. A couple of others echoes that statement . . . don't remember . . . it was Bill Cliton and Al Bore . . .

  5. Oldschool, George W. Bush Sr. invaded Kuwait in 1991 to throw Saddam forces, who had in turn invaded Kuwait and started occupation in 1990, out of there. Bush Sr. stopped at Kuwait because he knew it would be a nightmare to into Iraq - memory of Vietnam was fresh.

    Clinton administration, other than occasional bombings (some say to divert attention from Monica Lewinsky
    Scandal) never invaded Iraq as such or expressly said to do so. Along came dim-witted Bush and he did what he did. No one denies that it is a quagmire including senior military and senior members of Bush administration do not deny that reality.

    It shows the utter incompetence of Bush and how he has endangered the world peace - not to speak of destruction of a nation and millions dead and misplaced
