Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Evolving Prime Minister


  1. Ahh, Liberal sophistication. With High minded intellectual pursuitss like this, it's shocking to see the Grits in such a sorry pathetic state they're in today.

  2. I was just waiting for a neo- conservative to pass remarks on your site. Do you not think the Cons are pathetic, so pathetic, they are told by their nazi-like great leader, to tap into everything on the net, and tell all the lies they know of..propaganda

  3. Lizt, thank you for your comments. It is ok. This is not the first time I have comments from Conservatives and I won't be the last. They do have their right of expression. Let us hear more of it so more people can be turned off.

    McGuire, I am not high-minded intellectual. I just express what I see. However, Mr. Harper's policies are hurting Canada whether it is quagmire in Afghanistan, breaking Atlantic Accord, and breaking promises on Income Trusts and on and on. If that is sophistication and high-minded intellectual then I want no part of it. Immoral and unethical behaviour will be better characterization of our current government.
