Friday, January 12, 2007

Bush says he is winning in Iraq but that more sacrifices are needed


  1. Anonymous4:28 pm

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  2. Thank you for your comments.

    I do mourn the dead soildiers and the dead Iraqis. I resent the political leaders who sent them to their deaths.

  3. Bush invasion succeeded to kill over half million Iraqis, more than 3000 US soldiers dead and other allied soldiers and western workers in Iraq. Iraq and its infrastructure destroyed. Is that better than what Saddam did? There is no justification for Iraq invasion. Vast majority of the world counterirs say that and majority of American say that. 80% Iraqis say get out.
    So who is more guilty Saddam or Bush.

  4. Also, the Americans didn't seem to care in the 1980s when the Kurds were being gassed, this only became an issue after the 1991 Gulf War.
