Wednesday, November 15, 2006

And the Fossil Award Goes To...


  1. But she's cute and has the funkiest Rosa Klebb shoes

  2. Anonymous1:28 pm

    We shouldn't be so proud, a liberal government at the same conference would ge tthe same award.

  3. Agreed, she is a knock out:)

  4. I thought Paul Martin still held the title for his gas-guzzling campaign plane. A nice parallel to the Liberals' Kyoto words/deeds!

  5. I agree that the previous Liberal government didn't have a great record on the environment, but at least Canada was involved with Kyoto and an international team player - under Harper, Canada's position on Kyoto has become an international laughingstock.

    That being said, if the Liberals form the next government they will have to do better. I am optimistic about this though as the four leading candidates have all emphasized environmental issues. Even during the last Martin minority government, the Liberals seemed to be coming around on this.

    Layton's breaking with the opposition to the Clean Air Act hasn't helped matters much either. For him, short term political gain seems to be more important than the longterm interests of Canadians.
