Friday, May 29, 2015

Socrates: One of my favourite philosopher

As a university student I never took a course in philosophy but I have great interest in philosophy. One of my favourite philosopher is Socrates. Here is an interesting quote:

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

2015 campaign has been started by Stephen Harper

Harper's main strategy to vilify the leaders of the opposition parties has begun.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Stephen Harper: Reality and dream

Following picture depicts Harper quite well. In the mirror he thinks he looks like a macho man but the reality is quite different.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mike Duffy Saga

Harper sure knows how to appoint Senators, Pamela Wallin, Patrick Brazeau, and the notorious Mike Duffy. Harper campaigned against an appointed Senate, against privilege and corruption, in 2006, only to embrace it full on when he became Prime Minister. He appointed Mike Duffy, a so-called journalist who abused his position to gain the Prime Minister’s favour and get a Senate appointment. Duffy would promote stories favourable to the Prime Minister, even saying no one could question his integrity.

Duffy relished in a 2008 tape of then-Liberal leader Stéphane Dion stumbling, which was shown repeatedly even though the network had assured Dion it would not be shown.

In the Senate, Harper and the Conservatives used Duffy as a fundraiser at events across the country, and Duffy lived the high life off the taxpayer dime. He even claimed his cottage in PEI as a residence to get more payouts. However, the corruption caught up to Duffy, Harper’s chief of staff tried to pay Duffy off but got thrown under the bus instead.

Now, on television, Conservative pundits are distancing themselves from Duffy, including Paul Calandra who is constantly on CBC’s Power and Politics doing damage control for Harper and gang. Harper and the Conservatives may pretend now they had little to do with Duffy, but he was their bagman, he was Harper’s appointee. He is central to Conservative corruption.

Friday, May 15, 2015

His Highness Emperor Stephen Harper

Harper is putting Canadian troops on the frontlines in Iraq, when even the United States would not, and then sending Canadian troops to Syria. He’s taking our country deeper into war and putting our Canadian soldiers at risk. Who does Harper think he is? Is he trying to be a macho superpower wannabe? Is he trying to be an imperialist and colonialist? White man’s burden?

Also, Harper and his government are harassing a young man, Omar Khadr, with bogus claims to the Supreme Court that Khadr should be tried as an adult. Elizabeth May was right, Khadr has much more class than the whole f@#king cabinet.

On top of all this, Harper is trying to distract from this with his nonsense over debates, refusing the joint consortium of Global, CTV, CBC, Radio Canada, and other stations. Probably he is also looking for media and moderators who will be favourable to him.

Awful this is coming from our government. Emperor Harper’s arrogance knows no bounds.