Friday, September 30, 2011

Ron Paul thinks assassination of Al-Awlaki should be condemned

"No I don't think that's a good way to deal with our problems," Paul said in a media avail after his remarks at the Politics + Eggs event here. "He was born here, Al-Awlaki was born here, he is an American citizen. He was never tried or charged for any crimes. No one knows if he killed anybody. We know he might have been associated with the underwear bomber. But if the American people accept this blindly and casually that we now have an accepted practice of the president assassinating people who he thinks are bad guys, I think it's sad."

What do you think?

Read the story here.

Las Angles: Violence is becoming the core of American culture

Torture of war detainees by Bush Administration, one of the highest murder rates in the world and a recent story of violence against inmates in a L.A. prison are manifiestations of the some of the main features of American culture. Surely that violence is not limited to L.A. or California only. Rev. Al Sharpton highlights the violence in the L.A. prison in this video.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hair today gone tomorrow

In case of Jason Alexander it is the opposite.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Herman Cain: In-depth interview. :)

Herman Cain the presidential candidate 2012

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stephen Harper: Is Canada on the Right Path?

Is this the Canada we know? Remember when Canada was known as a peace-keeper, as a country that played a productive role on the world stage? Remember when we had governments that were not wedded to neo-conservative ideology? That valued our social safety net.

Stephen Harper was already slowly changing Canada in a harsher, less caring, more militaristic direction. Now, with a majority government, this Reform Party Prime Minister has free reign to re-make Canada in a neo-conservative image.

Harper and his buddy David Cameron favour slashing social programs during a severe recession, using voodoo economics to justify policies that worsen the lives of Canadians when they need the government's help. On the world stage, Canada is a pariah on climate change. It is also a pariah on foreign affairs in general with Canada following a Bushian policy of shoot first, ask questions later.

Canada's reputation was so thrashed that it was denied a seat on the UN Security Council.

Then there is a the martial law with the G-20 in Toronto. Also the restricting of immigration so that Harper can have a Canadian population more in an image he prefers. The list goes on and on.

What happened to our country? With less than 40% popular support, Harper is fundamentally remaking Canada, and taking it in a scary direction.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Putin (Put-in) in and Medvedev out as the president of Russia

Vladimir Put-in is going to be put back in as the President and caretaker Dmitry Medvedev will continue to serve Putin as a Prime Minister now. Putin is not much different than a Tsar or Stalin(ing ) in office for another 12 years as term length has been increased to 6 years and he can serve another two terms. By 2024 he will find other excuses to stay in office until he dies in office. So much for democracy in Russia.

Read the story here.

Friday, September 23, 2011

British PM David Cameron addresses a joint session of Parliament

When these leaders make speeches; pay attention to their language and the symbolism behind such language.

An American president, in this case Obama, will use the language like “we are one nation under God” partially implying American exceptionalism as if it is the only nation under God. Hey Obama, if there is a God then all nations are under the same God. As a matter of fact Americans have shown that they can be very barbaric. I believe Troy Davis was an innocent man; he was recently executed for the murder of a police officer. It was a sad spectacle and Mr. Davis maintained his innocence until the end. So much for the America being a nation under God, if authorities can behave in this brutal manner.

Then there is this British Prime Minister, David Cameron, who came to visit his buddy King Harper and addressed a joint session of the Canadian parliament. He ended his speech by saying “we are two nations under one Queen”. Wow! When did we become a colony again? I thought we were an independent nation. Harper wants to take us back to when we used to be a colony. Maybe we should ship Harper to Britain. Surely the Queen will have some room for him in her servant's quarters. Also by turning us into a colony again Harper is poking a finger into the eyes of Quebecers.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Troy Davis

After desperate pleas to halt the execution - including from Jimmy Carter, the Pope, and even from supporters of capital punishment - Troy Davis was executed.

It is a sad story. I don't think Davis committed the murder in question, or at the very least there was too much reasonable doubt to convict him: several eye witnesses recanted (having felt coerced to implicate Davis in the first place). Also, it was not possible to discern it was Davis at the crime scene itself, given the darkness and distance a witness would have had to been.

I have always been against capital punishment, something innate in me I guess. What if the real killer comes forward? This is a real tragedy.

P.S. I haven't included a picture with this post, it is too sad for me to look at the picture of Troy Davis given what's happened.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jim Flaherty: Cost cutting consultants


The Harper government is firm that they will save a lot of money by hiring the consulting firm of Deloitte Inc. at the cost of $90,000 a day - a total cost of $19.8 million. Now Jim Flaherty, the Minister of Finance, has chimed in and says that the government made the right decision. I wonder how much Deloitte Inc. donated to Conservatives during the last federal election?

Read the story here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Stephen Harper: How to save money?

You pay $90,000.00 a day to Deloitte Inc. (down the Toilet) for a total contract cost of $19.8 million. Then they will tell the Harper government how to balance the books by 2014. Problem solved. Or is it? It is only taxpayers’ money. Who cares?

Read the story here

Monday, September 19, 2011

Raccoons in a kitchen

The guy in the video thinks he can talk the raccoons into leaving his kitchen. He is totally misguided. For raccoons he must remember the African proverb “speak softly and carry a big stick”. I had a similar problem in my garage and I gave few pokes with a stick and racoon quickly found the exit.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chris Hayes: New Show on MSNBC

I think Chris Hayes is a very smart gentleman. He’s a progressive thinker who writes for The Nation magazine. It’s good that he has a program on the weekend, but I don’t know how they chose the name “Up With Chris Hayes.” It’s sounds so close to “Up Yours”, it’s not a very good name. They should consider re-naming the program.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tareq Salahi, Michaele Salahi: Party Crashers

They themselves crashed and cracked.

Read the story here.

Rick Perry trumped by Donald Trump

Donald Trump says he is very impressed with “Jim” Perry after Trump had dinner with him.

Friday, September 16, 2011

US Economic Woes

Big corporations want to make big profits and hence they have taken their manufacturing to China and other countries where they can get cheap labour. China also partially owns the Whitehouse as it is one of the biggest lenders to US government – some $2 trillion.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Amnesty International: Rebels also carried out torture and killings

“Rebels as well as pro-Gaddafi forces have perpetrated killings, torture and other abuses during the uprising against the Libyan regime, say human rights investigators.” The Guardian

So when Harper and other NATO nations intervened in Libya they said they were doing to it protect Libyans from atrocities by Gadhafi. Now it turns out that rebels were doing the same – torture and killing. Sooo! What was the purpose of our mission again?? If rebels torture and kill and NATO bombs and kills innocent civilians then it is for liberation but if Gaddafi forces do it then it is crimes against the humanity. Moreover, rebels were especially cruel to black fighters and have been accused of racism. What a hypocritical world we live in!
There should have been a better way to deal with the civil war in Libya.

Read the Guardian story here.

Monday, September 12, 2011

"Hang the Queen by end of week, Tories tell embassies" Globe and Mail

That is the wish of Monarch Stephen Harper. There is only one Queen Elizabeth. How many Queens he wants to hang?

H/T Let Freedom Rain

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A woman claims to be a Vampire

She bites face, neck and arm of this homeless old man. What kind of cave she grew up in? What is that saying “the whole world's gone crazy except me and thou and sometimes I have doubts about thou.”

Oooops! Wrong picture.

This woman:

Update: Read the story here.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Aliens are football fan!!

They watch the game from the comfort of their UFOs.

Read the story here.

Herman Cain and Islamophobia

Did Islamophobia cost Herman Cain the run for the US presidency? Watch the following video and you be the judge.

Bigotry is not the sole domain of White folks, some blacks are equally good at it.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Interesting Headline: "Have Canadians Got Their Heads In The Oil Sands?"

There have been a lot of protests against The Oil Sands in US including some celebrities like Daryl Hannah who were arrested in front of the Whitehouse; however, Canadians are silent on the issue. Has Harper successfully silenced opposition to Tar Sands through his mantra of economy comes first and then we will deal with the environment?

Read the story here.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Stephen Harper the Emperor

Remember when the Paul Martin Liberals ran ads against Harper, implying that if Conservatives were elected martial law would follow? The Martin Liberals were widely criticized for exaggeration and hyperbole.

Well, it turns out those ads may not have been so far off. Harper has already built more prisons and he instituted a state of martial law in Toronto during the G-20 summit. Now, he wants to clamp down on civil liberties with so-called anti-terror laws that would actually terrorize minority groups.

Click here for the story.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Stephen Harper: Mr. Unstoppable

Mr. Unstoppable is the heading in the Huffington Post Canada. The Official Opposition is in a bit of disarray after the death of its leader Jack Layton and the Liberal Party, with only 34 seats, doesn’t carry the weight it used to. It is a scary outlook for Canadians. I don’t think we ever had that far right a government, and especially with a weak opposition as it stands now. Looks like a lot of turbulence ahead and very troubled times.

Read the story here.

Platon: Amazing Photographer

I am a visual person and like photos. Platon is an amazing photographer. In this video he did photos of some of the head of states. It is a video worth watching.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Jay Leno Interviews Dick Cheney

This interview brings out the real Cheney than any other interview Cheney has given to media. :)

Blog is Back Up!

I've resolved the problems I was having, this blog is back in business; I will not need the new one, I'll still be posting here. Thanks for your patience.

New Blog

I am having problems with this blog so have set up a new one at In due course I will transfer all the information from the old blog to the new one.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Problems with my blog

I have a problem with my blog. Every so often when I visit my blog I get this window:

“Error. Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details. (7)”

Now I know why I am getting so few hits. I am trying to get this problem fixed. Please bear with me.

Puppy Love

But it is one sided only. Poor puppy.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Daryl Hannah Arrested in Front of the White House

“..the actress was there to protest against the unbuilt Keystone XL oil pipeline that will stretch from Canada all the way to the Gulf Coast.”

Ms. Hannah is also opposed to tar sands. It’s very encouraging to know that people of Ms. Hannah’s celebrity are speaking out. I personally think that tar sands are an environmental disaster, and that the proposed pipeline will definitely aggravate the problem.

Read the story here.

Update: A CBC story on Daryl Hannah worth reading:

"I've been hearing about how many people have cancer that live downstream from the tar sands project"

Hannah is referring to the residents of Fort Chipewyan who live downstream from the oilsands. Concerns were first raised in 2006 by a local doctor about supposed elevated cancer rates in the town. In 2009, the Alberta Cancer Board said cancer rates were 30 per cent higher than expected.”

Read the full story here.

7.1 Earthquake hits Southern Alaska

Is it possible that Sarah Palin is about to announce her candidacy for president of the United States? The earth is already shaking and the ocean is in turmoil which may result in a tsunami. Here is your mover and shaker candidate. :)

Read the story about quake here.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Afghanistan and Iraq reconstruction: $60 billion missing

$60 billion disappeared, the funds which were supposed to be used for reconstruction in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some of the money ended up in the hands of Al-Qaeda, Taliban and other insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

GOP loves strippers and adult entertainment

The guardians of religion and Christ are also great fans of striptease and adult entertainment. Tampa, Florida is well prepared for the GOP’s August 2012 convention. Repugs commandment #11 is to support strippers and adult industry in general; however, as the guardians of the public morale they must denounce it in public.

Read the story here.

Michael Steele fully endorses the Tampa location, and he is thrilled about the whole package.